End of GBol baiting season
December 05, 2017

The second and last baiting season of the GBOL Project comes to an end. Our employee Tore Kursch-Metz coordinates in the last two years the shipment and preparation of the Trichogramma baiting devices. Partners from all over the country were involved. They have replaced the live traps weekly all over the season from April till End of October. When the traps reached our company a sample based on the progeny of one female was prepared. Both, female and progeny was conserved separately in ethanol and stored in a fridge.

For molecular species identification such samples were send to the Stuttgart State Museum of Natural History, which used the samples to build up a database for all Trichogramma species naturally occurring in Germany.  Moreover we try to rear every strain in a small amount for further tests and the potential application as a biocontrol agent. In the last two years 2300 Samples were prepared and more than 150 living samples were established. For further information please visit: German Barcode of Life www.bolgermany.de/